man struggling with co-occurring disorders

5 Common Signs of Co-Occurring Disorders in Loved Ones

Added By South Tampa Psychiatry South Tampa Psychiatry Published: November 15, 2021 Updated: November 2, 2021 Co-occurring disorders occur when a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder present themselves simultaneously. People with a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder simultaneously have a dual diagnosis. The other recognized category of co-occurring disorders…

woman deals with co-occurring disorders

What Disorders Can Co-Occur?

Added By South Tampa Psychiatry South Tampa Psychiatry Published: March 5, 2021 Updated: March 15, 2021 Co-occurring disorders are potentially confusing for some clients or their family members when they do not fully understand the nature of co-occurring disorders. Determining whether you or your loved one has conditions that can co-occur first requires an assessment.…